Company, Schlumberger, Halliburton and UNICEM in addition to diverse maintenance contracts for food industries, pharmaceutical, beverages, textile, water treatment plants and paper mills.
The above work scope extended to a list of international clients in Turkey, USA, KSA, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Congo, Cambodia, Eretria, Syria, Nigeria, Jordon, Italy, Tanzania and Honduras. This has given Lazem outstanding skills in managing maintenance and work teams of different origins and cultures. Throughout his career, he has clearly exhibited a natural skill for taking a project from start up to completion in a smooth, efficient process, while coming up with viable solutions to meet challenging technical issues. Paired with his natural leadership qualities, this has resulted in a high level of responsibility in each position he has taken over the years. Coupled with a proactive approach and proven competencies, Lazem’s impressive experience has positioned him as a valuable industry asset.