Our team of highly skilled and wealthy experienced professionals renders the best quality service at an economical cost with time-bound commitments to our customers. The entire technical team at ETEC, through its global network, can provide CPP turnkey projects , CPP O&M, prompt service for all turbochargers on a 24×7 basis. The technicians are regularly trained by in-house experts and at the manufacturer’s workplace, ensuring the best quality services. Our team of experienced and skilled technicians, including ex-OEM experts, helps to provide the best service to improve the efficiency of turbochargers for our customers most cost-effectively. Water Treatment Stations Our strengths lie in providing a complete technical solution to our customers for engines, engine accessories, and turbochargers, like complete overhauling, repairs, re-blading, technical modifications, retrofit projects, solving problems like surging, etc. Spare parts for engine types include Wartsila, Man, MTU, Cummins, and Hyundai. Industrial WHR Systems Steam Turbine We have a division for Waste Heat Recovery operation and maintenance to insure WHR working at peak efficiency and helping our client optimize their energy & reducing their environmental footprint Steam turbine operation and maintenance Hot water boilers operation and maintenance